What could be the solution to ensure that you do not miss out on Wild Card Sales Candidates and that you hire the right sales candidate for the position?
What could be the solution to ensure that you do not miss out on Wild Card Sales Candidates and that you hire the right sales candidate for the position?
Often, there are certain characteristics of a sales candidate that aren’t easily spotted during the recruitment phase. This results in employers making decisions that later prove to be a mistake or as it is often called a “Wrong Hire”.
Why the Dutch Football team failed at the European Championship
and the Dutch delegation succeeded at the Olympics?
The definition of “socially desirable” behaviour is masking one’s real self and presenting oneself in a more favourable manner. SalesStep has found an effective way to detect such behaviour.
"How is my salesteam doing, do they still enjoy winning? Can they cope? And are they still motivated?" Since the outbreak of COVID-19, these questions are more relevant than ever. Extensive research by SalesStep on the Sales Drives of salespeople gives the actual answer to these questions.
Het is belangrijk dat bedrijven goed inspelen op veranderingen in de markt. Juist door als bedrijf mee te bewegen met nieuwe ontwikkelingen maak je het